Nicole Agnew
My name is Nicole. I have been a Registered Massage Therapist for over 25 years. I graduated from the D'Arcy Lane Institute of Massage Therapy with a 2200-hour degree. With my massage therapy, I have travelled extensively learning many different modalities, in addition to my Swedish massage training. I am certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage, joint mobilization, deep tissue therapy,cupping,myofacial release, craniotomy-sacral therapy, pre-natal massage as well as aromatherapy.
I have a BSc in Biochemistry and Psychology, and my Medical Doctorate. I am currently transitioning into a more private sector related to wellness. I was away from medicine for some years due to life circumstances and medical problems. my doctorate I have a lot of knowledge regarding hormones and the role they play in our body. I am currently taking as many masters classes and discovering as much as I can as there are limited studies and how hormone fluctuations effect out training in both men and women.
I enjoy outdoor activities such as biking, camping, hiking and fishing. I am an avid birder and singer. But my true passion lies in 2 areas bodybuilding and I love to share lesrning. I am a life long learner and I am ready to make a differencve in YOUR JOUNEY TO BE THE BEST YOU!!!!!